Torbjörn Johansson, Utdrag & Martin Ålund The bipolar suite. 2020
Isolation | Communication is an exhibition initiated by the curator group Muskot in collaboration with Färgfabriken, born out of the prevailing covid-19 epidemic. The exhibitions gathered art through an Open Call. The work submited for assessment represent the participat's artistic / literary practice at this very moment, under the current extreme circumstances. Over 500 entries were submitted for evaluation, 110 of which are shown at Färgfabriken. In this manner isolation can be broken and communication be established.
Concept text by Jonas Ellerström
In a densely populated world, the concept of isolation has suddenly become central. In Sweden we are encouraged to keep social distance, in other countries it is not allowed to gather in groups larger than two people. Without any habit of living in isolation, we must change our mind to keep ourselves within our own walls as much as possible and try to make life work anyway.
But a professional group has experience of working in self-selected isolation. These are the free artists, often accused of living in an air bubble or an ivory tower, but precisely by acting artistically more focused on communicating with the outside world than most.
How will artistic practices change in pandemic existence? What past experiences and strategies do the artists have to convey? Can the knowledge of how a situation is interpreted artistically and how that interpretation is conveyed to an audience prove socially significant in a way that has not been previously noticed?
These can be practical things like how to work from home most effectively, about complicated psychological problems like how to motivate one's activities or avoid the frustration of loneliness. It is about new experiences and centuries of stored experience. Not least, it is about communication through art, about art as both aesthetically, socially and politically relevant tool to explore and interpret the world today.
The philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz imagined human beings as monads: beings completely closed in themselves, unable to convey their experience of reality; a globe floating in an empty space. But he modified this night-black stated view of existence and came to think of monads with windows, openings to the outside world and other beings: monads with the possibility of communication.
We can handle isolation. But a state without communication is devastating.
Photo by Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson
The Curator Group Muskot:
Clara Diesen, author and artist
Jonas Ellerström, author, translator and publisher
Torbjörn Johansson, artist and runs Kummelholmen
Martin Ålund, artist and musician.
Alex Valijani
Alexandra Larsson Jacobson
André Nordström
Andreas Ribbung
Anja Olofgörs
Anna Nyberg
Anna-Kajsa Wikström
Arne Widman
Carl-Oscar Karlsson
Cecilia Hultman
Charlotte Åberg/Florence Montmare
Christina Olivecrona
Christofer Wallentin
Cissi Efraimsson
Daniela Hedman
Derin Gençer
Elise Mattisson Chue
Elle van Uden
Elsa Blomberg
Emille de Blanche
Filippa Barkman
Giulia Cairone
Gunilla Wiel-Svensson
Hanna Romin
Henning Rehnström
Henrik Ekesiöö
Håkan Bring Huczkowski
Ingrid Klintskog
Jakob Ojanen
Jan Marius Kiøsterud
Jenny Carlsson Grip
Jinhee Kang
Johan Lindström
Johan Willner/Peo Olsson
John Willgren
Jonas Vansteenkiste
Josefin Bergman
Kaisa Luukkonen
Kajsa Lindberg/Annika Bergström
Kevin Pihlblad Bogle
Leif Palmquist
Lena Flodman
Leonela Lilja
Lisa Manner
Lotta Döbling
Lovisa Ivenholt
Lucia Flores
Lukas Göthman
Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson
Mari Kretz
Maria Bernholm
Maria Koolen Hellmin
Maria Lundberg
Marie Holmgren
Martin Ålund
Mattias Bäcklin
Mikaela Steby Stenfalk
Monica Höll
Nicole Khadividombali
Olivia Pettersson Fleur
Olle Borg
Oscar Furbacken
Oskar Hult
Peter Kinny
Petter Kreuger
Rebecca Farrensteiner
Rebecka Bebben Andersson
Richard G. Carlsson
Sanna Albenius
Sofia Zwahlen
Stina Persson
Sylvia Naimark
Thierry Mortier
Thomas Carlsson
Tilda Lovell
Timo Menke
Tina Eskilsson
Torbjörn Johansson
Åsa Andersson
Annalena Sundgren
Arvid Kraft
Carolina Thorell
Clara Diesen
Elin Bengtsson
Fanny Wallertz
Hannah Abrahamsson
Hannah Alexandersson
Johanna Ekström
Johanna Stillman
Johanna Tengblad
John Swedenmark
Jonas Ellerström
Lars-Håkan Svensson
Linnea Swedenmark
Maria Yvell
Mariam Naraghi
Mikael Rudesjö
Mona Hellsing Troili
Nils Gunnar Zander
Oscar Rossi
Pamela Jaskoviak
Petra Mölstad
Runa Halleraker
Sara Berg
Simon Skuteli
Sofia Stenström
Sonia Sagan
Ulrika Revenäs Strollo
Viktor Andersson