Martin Ålund


Phone: +46703305081

Represented by:
Galleri Flach, Stockholm SE
Tönnheim Gallery, Madrid, ES
Lord Art Advisory, Stockholm SE



Royal University College of Fine Arts Stockholm (MFA & PMFA)


=Solo, G=Group


G: Flat Octopus Painters’ Salon 2024, Södertälje konsthall
Projektrum Hjärne, Helsingborg
Tobo kulturfest, Tobo
Galleri Flach, Stockholm
G: Tönnheim Gallery, Madrid & Marbella, ES


G: Obertura Carabanchel, Madrid, ES
The Wrong House, Kortrijk, Belgium
S: The Royal Swedish Academy of fine arts/the studio, Stockholm
S: Galleri Flach Project In collaboration with curator Kerstin Lord
G: Konstsalong Odengatan, Stockholm
G: A Window to the Inner and Outer, Den Fantastiska platsen, Stockholm


G: 2nd Painters’ Salon, Molekyl Gallery, Malmö
Norra Tornen Art Day, Stockholm
VOLTA BASEL, Wadström Tönnheim Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
The Bipolar Suite (Otherworld), Galleri Örhänget, Stockholm


G: 1st Stockholm Painters’ salon, Candyland, Stockholm
G: Tidsmaskin, Muskot, Benhuset, Stockholm
G: Heat/Energy, Kummelholmen, Stockholm
Estampa contemporary art fair, Wadström Tönnheim Gallery, Madrid, Spain
The Bipolar Suite (Otherworld), Wadström Tönnheim Gallery, Marbella, Spain


G: Endagsvarelser, Samfundet De Nio, Stockholm, 2020
G: Art in the green box, Skottvångs Gruva, Mariefred, Sweden
G: Isolation | Communication, Färgfabriken, Stockholm
G: Offspring, Sätraskogen, Stockholm
G: Open Window, Stockholm


G: Measures of Poetry with the members of GoGo Collective curated by Curator Jan Van Woensel, Bogardenkapel Brugge, Belgium


G: Wadström Tönnheim Gallery, Marbella, Spain
Energy, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
G: Showroom: Mia Chaplin, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Sarah Blood, Elle van Uden & Martin Ålund, Galerie extérieure - Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France
G: Collage 63 artists who exhibited 2010-2017, Körsbärsgården, Gotland
G: On and on and on, Galleri Thomassen, Göteborg
G: Ett långt farväl, Galleri 1, Göteborg


G: Secondhand Daylight, Göteborg
G: Secondhand Daylight, Kummelholmen
S: Körsbärsgården, Gotland
S: Galleri Örsta, Kumla


S: Galleri Gunnar Olsson, Stockholm
S: Performance: For Jeanette, Nedre Manilla/Saltsjön, Stockholm
G: Collected Works! 30 years with the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation, Bonniers konsthall, Stockholm
G: New Sensibility, Konstforum Norrköping
S: Wadström Tönnheim Gallery, Skanör


S: Chemistry, Konstnärshuset/SKF, Stockholm


SGalleri C Hjärne, Helsinborg (& Celia Prado)
G: Konvention och Attityd. Ett urval av Kjell Strandqvists elever 1986-1996,
Konstakademien/The Royal Swedish Academy of fine arts, Stockholm

2024 Conversations on Transformation. Between Clara Diesen, Jonas Ellerström, and Martin Ålund, based on the watercolor series from Goa by Martin. Galleri Flach, Stockholm, May 28, 2024

2024 Performance participation: Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson’s performance: The Knight, Galleri Kronborg, Bergen, NO

2023 LIVE! Konstakademien, Trippel Duo, Blago Bung, Arnedotters Improband & Hybris Healers

2023 Poetry evening Annanvärlden at Gallery Flach with Naima Chahboun, Clara Diesen, Jonas Ellerström, Jörgen Lind & Ulrika Revenäs Strollo

2023 Video Annanvärlden Poetry by Clara Diesen, Music by Martin Ålund & Video-mounting by Magnus Engstedt.

2023 Performance participation with Hybris Healers: Circumambulations by Arijana Kajfes. Kivik Art Center, Kivik, Sweden.
2023 Performance participation: Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson & co.Den Fantastiska Platsen, Stockholm
2023 Performance participation: Malin Arnedotter Bengtsson’s performances: UÄÄÄÄH! Fylkingen, Sthlm & Slumpgudar, Studio 17, Stavanger, NO

2023 Performance: Annanvärlden (& Clara Diesen). Trippel duo. Tre möten mellan poesi och musik på Rönnells Antikvariat
2023 Performance Hybris Healers, UÄÄÄH performance festival, Fylkingen
2022 Performance: Otherworld concert/ritual of spring. ALIASTEATERN. Poem: Clara Diesen, Music: Hybris Healers with Niklas Korssell.

2022 Performance with Clara Diesen, Annanvärlden. Bonners konsthall, Rönells antikvariat, Konst-ig, Galleri Örhänget

Annanvärlden, Clara Diesen & Martin Ålund, 220511.m4a

2021 Initiator: Kulturprofilerna

Kulturprofilerna: Instagram, Youtube

2021 Performance with Escarleth Pozo, ”Tender Points”, Heat/Energy, Kummelholmen

2020 ART X PUZZLES, Jigsaw Puzzle
Project participation: Artistic Empathy, Weld. A workshop initiated by Ellinor Ljungkvist and Bernt Karsten Sannerud.
2019 Podcast Cyril & Stig: Martin Ålund
Studio residency, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2012 Candyland Podcast: Interview with Martin Ålund
2006 Project participation: SKISS, Konstfrämjandet, Stockholm
2005 Project participation: Andrea Hvistendahl, Human Work, Workshop x 3, Galleri Studio 44, Stockholm

Grants & Support

2025 IASPIS International exchange
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
2023 IASPIS International exchange
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
2019 IASPIS International exchange
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
2018 Längmanska Cultural Foundation
2017 The Royal Swedish Academy of fine arts
2014 The Royal Swedish Academy of fine arts
2008 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
2005 The Royal Swedish Academy of fine arts
2003 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
2000 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip..
2000 Längmanska Cultural Foundation
2000 Jenny Linds Foundation
1996 The Foundation Längmanska Cultural Foundation
1995 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstip.
1994 Ester Lindahls Foundation
1989 Maria Bonnier-Dahlin Foundation


Selected: European Investment Bank Luxemburg, Printed Matter (Artistbooks) NYC USA, Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation, Björn Springfeldt collection, Norrköping Art Museum, Borås Art Museum, Public Art Agency Sweden, Swedish Radio, Apoteksbolaget collection, Swedish Parliament, Västerbotten Museum, Sundsvall Museum, Region Uppsala, Eksjö Municipality, Region Västerbotten, Umeå Municipality, Region Stockholm, Västra Götaland Region, Värmdö Municipality, Kumla Municipality, Gothenburg Municipality, Uppsala Art Museum, Region Skåne, University College of Opera Stockholm, Region Jönköping, Region Gävleborg, Skellefteå Municipality, Växjö Municipality, Region Västernorrland


2019 Library, Täby
Äldreboende, Kumla Municipality
2011 Re-flect – Transformativa rum. An art project at social service center. With artist group FLECT
2005–2007 Temporary art projects in Upplandsbro municipality. With artist group FLECT
2003 Kruthuset, Nedre Manilla, Stockholm, Bonnier Cityfastigheter AB
1995 Akutmottagning, Mariaberoendeklinik, Stockholm County Council
1993 Samariterhemmets sjukhus, Region Uppsala
1992 Kvarteret Ventilen, Ursviken, Skellefteå

Board member

2015– Chair of the board, The Swedish Artists Association
2015 Member of the board, The Konstperspektiv foundation
2011–2015 Deputy member of the board, The Konstperspektiv foundation
2008–2012 Deputy Chair of the board, The Swedish Artists Association
2007 Deputy Treasurer, The Swedish Artists Association