Measures of Poetry
Bogardenkapel Brugge, Katelijnestraat 86, 8000 Brygge, Belgium
May 10–26, 2019
Measures of Poetry is an international group exhibition by Curator Jan Van Woensel with the members of GoGo Collective: Sarah Blood (United Kingdom/United States), Monique Pelser (South Africa), Mia Chaplin (South Africa), Martin Ålund (Sweden), Jonas Vansteenkiste (Belgium), Elle van Uden (Australia), Torbjörn Johansson (Sweden).
In Measures of Poetry the curator applies Vito Acconci's concept of spatial poetry as a curatorial methodology. The process of methodologically adding artwork to the exhibition space of Bogarden's Chapel provokes an evolution from a linear to a rhizomatic reading. 'Measures of Poetry' is approached as a situational confrontation of space, artwork, meaning, order, body, sound and language.
The exhibition is supported by Stedelijke Acedemie voor Schone Kunsten and IASPIS, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's international programme for Visual and Applied Artists
Facebook: GoGo Collective:
”Otherworld”, Charcoal on wall, Martin Ålund 2019